The term “copyright” is a collective term, but its essence is one thing: the right of a particular person to the result of his own intellectual, physical, and creative labour. Copyright applies to many things: gambling software, on which you can play Lev casinos, works of art, literature, software and so on.
Objects covered by copyright
Copyright covers anything created by one or more persons, in particular, electronic lev slots or other casinos, as well as:
- literary, textual works;
- oral lectures, speeches, speeches;
- programs, applications for PCs, smartphones and other devices;
- songs, videos and other similar works;
- architectural constructions;
- paintings, comic books, illustrations, etc.;
- photographs and their alternatives;
- ceramic, sewing, sculptural and other artwork;
- maps, charts, diagrams, plans, etc.
The person who created a particular work, creation, is its author. Consequently, the created object is subject to the corresponding right. It means that no one can claim the author’s work. The state guarantees the protection of authorship and establishes a measure of punishment for the unauthorized use of objects or their destruction.
Categories of author’s rights
Copyright can be:
- Non-property. The author independently decides on the use of his work (who can use it and whether he can use it at all).
- Property rights. Initially, provide for the transfer of the object for third-party use.
In both cases, a legal agreement is drawn up under which the other party can use the author’s work (object).
Term of validity and anonymity
Copyright expires 70 years after the object was made public. If the work is made public anonymously or under a pseudonym, the pseudonym taken must not raise doubts about the author’s identity.
For works created in co-authorship, copyright is valid during the life of the co-authors and 70 years after the death of the last co-author. When a work is published not simultaneously but in parts (volumes, issues, series, etc.), the term of copyright is determined separately for each publicized part.
Copyright on works of posthumously rehabilitated authors is valid for 70 years after their rehabilitation. For a work first published within 30 years after the author’s death, the right is suitable for 70 years from the date of its lawful promulgation.
These are just a few of the basic tenets of copyright law. Many nuances apply to specific copyrighted objects/works.
Self-protection of authorship
Sometimes, it is possible to protect your creation, for which several tools exist independently. However, this possibility only exists for some work. When the content is precious and unique, you can legally formalize the authorship, for example, notarize the work. At the same time, experts advise using a real first name, patronymic and surname or choosing a pseudonym associated with them.
If the content is published online, you should put your logo, name and pseudonym on each photo or page (in places where they cannot be cut out). You can also leave broken pixels that are not visually distinguishable. It is an effective way to prove authorship, if necessary easily.